Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Easy Pleasy Roasted Potatoes

I make this recipe often because it's super easy and kind of fancy. Plus, it's a great leftover item for breakfast... if there are leftovers.

Small potatoes
Olive oil
Dried herbs

Wash and cut potatoes into halves. Coat skillet with olive oil. Sprinkle favorite herbs, salt, and pepper covering skillet. Arrange halved potatoes in skillet as seen in the photo. Place skillet in cold oven. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cook potatoes until easily pierced with a fork and golden brown on the bottom, about 45 minutes.

You can choose your favorite potatoes. We usually go for red or yellow. Just make sure they are all similar in size for equal roasting. Use your favorite herbs too. We like basil, thyme, and rosemary for this recipe. Roasted potatoes pair well with steaks, salad, and wine.

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