Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunshine and Turkey Burgers

Tonight was the first warm evening of spring and our first opportunity to dine on the patio!

This recipe is nice and basic so you can easily swap out the ingredients for what's in your fridge or to satisfy your craving. 

1 lb ground turkey
1 tablespoon lemon tamari soy sauce
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 teaspoon garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/3 cup shredded goat cheddar cheese
4 slices of swiss cheese
1 cup spinach
4 onion hamburger buns

In large bowl, combine the turkey, soy sauce, ketchup, garlic, and pepper. Blend in cheese, then form into four burgers. We cooked the burgers over our gas BBQ and they took about 7 minutes per side. After the first flip top each burger with a slice of swiss cheese. If you like toasted buns throw them on the grill rack or indirect heat for the last couple minutes.

I topped my burger with spinach instead of lettuce and was pleasantly surprised! It was a little dry so I added a dallop of ranch. As a side I baked sweet potato fries (sprinkled with seasoning salt) and enjoyed a cold Deschutes Brewery Mirror Pond pale ale.

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