Sunday, May 8, 2011

Best Popcorn Ever

In honor of Mother's Day I am writing about a snack my Mom and I love. This is a recipe I learned by watching my Mom make it growing up. I'm not talking about microwave popcorn. I'm talking about good old fashion stove top popcorn!

Saucepan with lid
Big bowl
Vegetable oil
Popcorn kernels

Place saucepan over medium-high heat. Pour enough vegetable oil in the pot to cover the bottom. Scoop one to two handfuls of popcorn kernels into pot and cover (approximately one handful of kernels per person). Shake the pan to make sure each kernel is coated in oil. Once you hear the first pop shake pan over burner continuously until popping slows or stops. Immediately remove from heat and pour into the big bowl. Butter and salt to your preference.

Don't forget to share a few pieces of popcorn with the dogs. They love playing catch! 

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