Monday, October 8, 2012

Grown-up Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup

Grown-ups need comfort food once in a while too. Today felt like fall with cool temperatures and I was feeling a little homesick. This was a nice lunch to pair with an episode of Friday Night Lights on Netflix!

Grilled Cheese
Sourdough bread
Cheddar cheese
Roasted red pepper

Butter bread on both sides. Cut cheddar cheese slices thin. Layer cheddar cheese slice then roasted red pepper and another slice of cheddar on top. Grill in saute pan over medium heat until golden in each side.

Tomato Soup
Tomato soup
Garlic croutons
Black pepper

Make soup according to directions. I prefer the creamier version with milk instead of water. Garlic croutons make a nice substitution to crackers. Sprinkle with black pepper.

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