Friday, August 31, 2012

Crazy Good Chicken Curry

I love Thai and Indian curries and my husband's recipe is one of the best. I use the word "recipe" lightly because he cooks to taste and doesn't write anything down. When I make curry it takes me about two hours due to washing, chopping, slicing, simmering, and reducing. You can modify the curry spice, vegetables, and protein to your preference. We serve our curry with jasmine rice and fresh naan bread.

Vegetable oil
Pepper, to taste
1 sweet onion, chopped
1/2 lb green beans, cut ends
2 yellow zucchini, sliced
2 chicken breast or thighs, cubed
3 tablespoons medium curry
2 tablespoons hot curry (we like it spicy!)
1 can coconut milk

 In a large saute pan warm enough vegetable oil to coat surface. Cube chicken and cook in saute pan. Set aside in large mixing bowl. You will cook eat vegetable independently and add to the large mixing bowl. I like the order of onions, then zucchini, then green beans. Heat oil again in saute pan and fry the curry paste. This will release aromatics and make the house smell amazing! Next, slowly stir in the coconut milk. Simmer over low heat to reduce slightly. Then add back in your chicken and vegetables. Let all the ingredients simmer together until the curry flavor has evenly dispersed.

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