Sunday, July 29, 2012

Southern Specialty Squash Casserole

Squash casserole is a southern comfort food and found on most BBQ menu boards. My husband doesn't use recipes so I shadowed him in the kitchen and took notes. We make a big batch so we can freeze half and enjoy weeks later. You can also replace 1/4 of the yellow squash with zucchini for color and taste variation.

1 stick butter
Salt and pepper, to taste
10 medium yellow squash, cut lengthwise then sliced
1 large sweet onion, chopped
3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed

Saute squash in butter and salt and pepper to taste. Depending on the size of your skillet you may want to saute in two batches. Once squash looks translucent transfer to a mixing bowl. Saute onions and garlic then transfer to mixing bowl with squash. Drain any excess water that accumulated from sweating. Add cheese and mix thoroughly. Pour mixture into large baking dish, preferably glass, and top with crackers. Bake for approximately 20 minutes at 350 F degrees or until bubbly under crackers or around edges.   

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