Sunday, June 24, 2012

Canning Curiosity

I've taken up canning as a new hobby and love it so far! This classic food preservation process is challenging and fascinating not to mention economical and promises flavorful goods year round. This post will not contain a recipe, but instead a few suggestions, resources for canning newbies, and a request.

Suggestion 1: gain inspiration from old cookbooks, family and friends, and blogs, but ultimately consult a reputable source. Food safety, standards, and technology have changed a lot even in the last couple decades. 

Suggestion 2: allow extra time. Before canning the first time I read: boil water, fill jars, and process. I thought that sounded easy enough and wouldn't take too long. However, ensuring sterilization and using caution really slowed down the process for me. Hopefully after a few canning successes I'll be more confident and efficient.   

Suggestion 3: be flexible. I suggest making a little extra syrup or brine. When I made pickles I was short on brine even though I was following the recipe closely. Either I did not pack the cucumbers as snug as the recipe intended, or my pickles were larger than average, or my jars were not the right shape. I also suggest keeping extra jars on hand for this situation. 

Suggestion 4: do your research. Similar to gaining inspiration check out a few different sources. I recommend the following:
  • Modern Cuisine, Volume 4. There is a chapter on canning covering the history and evolution of canning and important safety information. We checked this book out at the library.  
  • Better Homes and Gardens, Can It!. This is a great book for a newbie because it simply lays out the basics, has lots of photos, and a good variety of recipes. I purchased this book at Lowes. 
  • Pinterest. Search for "canned goods" or "canning" and you'll find many others with boards and pins about canning and links to recipes. 
Since I am still new at this do you have any advice? If you're a seasoned canner what are some best practices? If you're a newbie too what is your favorite cookbook? 

Happy canning! 

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