Monday, January 16, 2012

Devil's Food Cake & Important Life Lessons

My family visited this weekend and I had the pleasure of baking with my Mom. I was reminded of a few important life lessons too. Just like our cake... life is messy, it's not always pretty, and it's more fun and flavorful when shared with good company.

This recipe comes from The Joy of Cooking copyright 1946. I've copied the format and recipe word for word. I recommend reading the entire recipe a couple times before attempting!

Chocolate Devil's Food Cake I

This good cake, made with cocoa and white sugar, keeps moist for a long time.

Part I
Combine and beat until well blended:
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup sour milk

Part II
1 cup sugar

Beat until soft:
1/2 cup butter
Add the sugar gradually. Blend these ingredients until they are creamy.

Beat in one at a time:
2 eggs

Sift before measuring:
2 cups cake flour
Resift with:
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Add the flour in about 3 parts to the butter mixture alternately with thirds of:
1 cup sour milk
Beat the batter after each addition until it is smooth. Add:
1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat in cocoa mixture (part I). Bake the cake in a greased 9 inch tube pan in a moderate oven 350 degrees for about 60 minutes. It may be baked in two greased 9 inch layer pans in a 375 degree oven for about 35 minutes. Spread the cake with:
White or chocolate icing
Add to the icing if desired:
Nut meats

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