Sunday, September 18, 2011

There's an Egg in my Cocktail?!

My husband and I went to the swanky Austin restaurant the East Side Show Room. Our waitress recommended the Pisco Sour and described it as fresh and creamy. The creaminess comes from the froth the egg whites make. Pisco is a brandy distilled from several different grape varieties grown in South America. Wikipedia says the Pisco Sour's origin is debatable between Peru and Chile. 

I enjoyed the balance of flavor and layered textures. If you're in the mood for something different and feeling a little adventurous don't shy away from the Pisco Sour! If you'd like to try one at home here is a recipe I found on Cheers!

1/4 cup (2 oz.) pisco* 
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon pasteurized egg whites

In a blender, whirl 3 ice cubes, pisco, sugar, fresh lime juice, and egg whites. Whirl until smooth (you'll no longer hear the ice cracking against the side of the blender) and serve straight up in a martini glass with a dash of aromatic bitters and a wedge of lime.

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